Friday, 6 July 2007

Questions Must Be Asked

One feature of RTP! since its second year has been that of interviews with noteworthy NZ fans of the show. This is something that was seemingly began out of the blue with Peter Adamson's interview with Alistair Hughes, and not as something planned by either Matt Kamstra or Wade Campbell. Since that first interview, they have been a mainstay of the fanzine alongside serialized fiction and the comic. Here's who has been interviewed so far:
#5 - A Brush with the Doctor ... [Alistair Hughes]
#6 - Fanboy Mastermind [Jon Preddle]

#7 & 8 - Shades of Gray [Warwick 'Scott' Gray]

#9 - The Tomorrow People [Graham Muir]
#10 - The Mars Bar [Peter Adamson]

#11 - Confessions of a Melophile [Alden Bates]

#12 - Modern Art [Jeff Stone]
#13 - The Importance of Being Phillip [Phillip J Gray]

#14 - All Kneel and Praise Her [Jamas Enright]
#15 - The Right of Reply [Jonathan Park]

#17 - Neil, Neil, Jonathan Peel [Neil Lambess]
#18 - The Life and Opinions of Paul Scoones [Paul Scoones]

#19 - But it's not Really Science Fiction ... is It? [Adam McGechan]
#21 & 22 - Hand-operated Paper-type Fanzine [Matt Kamstra & Wade Campbell]

#23 - The Other Dave (?) [David Lawrence]
#24 - NZ Fandom (Original Andy Pulzar Mix) [Andrew Poulsen]
Why not email myself and let me know of a future potential interviewee ...

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